Monday, April 30, 2012

Generation of GL code combinations by Sql

Here is workaround for automatic/mass CCID generation or insertion of new CCID’s in GL_CODE_COMBINATIONS Table, when new values in Accounting Flexfield Segment are created, EXCEPT “Dynamic Insert” option activated .

you can use the api (function) -> fnd_flex_ext.get_ccid to create the ccid.

If the combination already exists, it returns the existing ccid else creates a new one and returns the id. Explicit commit command needs to be executed after calling this function.
Use below function which returns the CCID if it is exist and create the CCID if it doesn't exist in the application.

fnd_flex_ext.get_ccid(application_short_name ='SQLGL', key_flex_code ='GL#', structure_number =l_coa_id, 
validation_date =to_char(SYSDATE,apps.fnd_flex_ext.date_format)
concatenated_segments =l_account)

Initialize the mandatory parameter if you are running the code in SQL Plus/TOAD
    FND_GLOBAL.APPS_INITIALIZE(l_user_id, l_resp_id, l_appl_id);
Query to Find the Flex Structure 
FROM fnd_id_flex_structures_vl fifst,
fnd_id_flex_segments fifs,
fnd_flex_value_sets ffs
WHERE fifst.id_flex_structure_code = 'ACCOUNTING_FLEXFIELD'
AND fifst.application_id = 101
AND fifst.id_flex_code = 'GL#'
AND fifs.application_id = fifst.application_id
AND fifs.id_flex_code = fifst.id_flex_code
AND fifs.id_flex_num = fifst.id_flex_num
AND ffs.flex_value_set_id = fifs.flex_value_set_id;

API for Load Journals into SubLedger Accounting

Oracle provides the ability to enter manual sub-ledger journals via a button on the SLA Journal Inquiry pages.
A manual subledger journal entry is not associated with a transaction or document of a subledger application. If you are considering using the manual SLA journal feature to represent accounting in legacy systems, you can take the advantage of API which allows you to import such transactions into SLA rather than into the GL directly (via the GL interface).
You can use the API XLA_JOURNAL_ENTRIES_PUB_PKG and any of these functions:
  • Create_Journal_Entry_Header: This is used creates a new subledger journal entry header
  • Update_Journal_Entry_Header: This is used to modifies an existing manual subledger journal entry header, if journal entry is not Final and GL_DATE used must belong to a valid accounting period.
  • Delete_Journal_Entry:This deletes all information of a subledger journal entry including journal entry header and journal entry line
  • Create_Journal_Entry_Line:This is used to Create the JE line
  • Update_Journal_Entry_Line :This is used to Delete the JE line
  • Delete_Journal_Entry_Line :This is used to Delete the JE line
  • Complete_Journal_Entry: This is used to completes a subledger journal entry
  • Reverse_Journal_Entry : This is used to reverse the entry.
These API's you can find more on Oracle Financial Services Accounting Hub Implementation Guide Release 12 Part No. B14420-01

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Oracle 11g - New Features at a Glance

The new PL/SQL features for 11g Release 1 (11.1) are:
Enhancements to Regular Expression Built-in SQL Functions
  predefined subtypes of PLS_INTEGER, BINARY_FLOAT, and BINARY_DOUBLE,
  respectively. Each subtype has the same range as its base type and has a NOT  NULL      constraint.
CONTINUE Statement
The CONTINUE statement exits the current iteration of a loop and transfers control to
the next iteration (in contrast with the EXIT statement, which exits a loop and
transfers control to the end of the loop). The CONTINUE statement has two forms: the
unconditional CONTINUE and the conditional CONTINUE WHEN.
Sequences in PL/SQL Expressions
The pseudocolumns CURRVAL and NEXTVAL make writing PL/SQL source code easier
for you and improve run-time performance and scalability. You can use sequence_
name.CURRVAL and sequence_name.NEXTVAL wherever you can use a NUMBER
Dynamic SQL Enhancements
Native dynamic SQL now supports a dynamic SQL statement larger than 32 KB by
allowing it to be a CLOB
Named and Mixed Notation in PL/SQL Subprogram Invocations
PL/SQL Function Result Cache
Compound Triggers
More Control Over Triggers
The SQL statement CREATE TRIGGER now supports ENABLE, DISABLE, and FOLLOWS
clauses that give you more control over triggers. The DISABLE clause lets you to create a
trigger in the disabled state. This helps one to create a trigger successfully before you enable the trigger. The ENABLE clause explicitly specifies the default state. The FOLLOWS clause lets you control the firing order of triggers that are defined on the same table and have the same timing point.
Database Resident Connection Pool
Automatic Subprogram Inlining
PL/SQL Hierarchical Profiler
PL/SQL Native Compiler Generates Native Code Directly